BMSA LIVEWELL RULES AND REQUIREMENTS Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of BMSA Round Entering:Round 1 - PORT RIVER $100Competitor Name: *Email *Date of Birth: *Address *Mobile number:Emergency Contact Name & Number:I am aware kayak livewells are required for this event and understand the requirements:YesNoModel Release: * Clear Signature I give Southern Fishing Tournaments (BMSA) and parties designated by BMSA, including clients, licensees, purchasers and sponsors the right to use my name, photographs and video of me for sale to any media for the purposes of advertising, trade, display, exhibition, social media, television or editorial use.Date *Liability Waiver: * Clear Signature Southern Fishing Tournaments Series – Bream Master SA (BMSA). The responsibility for a person to participate in the Southern Fishing Tournaments (Bream Master SA) is his or hers alone. I am conscious of the dangers inherent to kayak fishing. I agree that none of the organisations or persons involved with the Southern Fishing Tournaments including sponsors, promoters, or any other involved persons or parties accepts liability for damages due to negligence or any other reason whatsoever while conducting or connected with this event for injury, to property or person, I may suffer while participating in the event and while upon the event premises. I know the risks of danger to myself and my property while preparing for and participating in the event, and while upon the event premises, relying upon my own judgement and ability, assume all such risks of loss and hereby agree to reimburse all costs to those persons or organisations connected with this event for damages incurred as a result of my negligence. Furthermore, I agree to be bound by the Southern Fishing Tournaments rules and any other rules that govern this event. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the tournament. These terms do not operate to exclude any provision of the Australian Consumer Law that applies and cannot be excluded by agreement. I acknowledge that I have read and understood this document and accept its terms and agreements.Date *I have read the BMSA competition rules and understand them. I will abide by all rules during the BMSA event and accept the penalties if these rules are broken. * Clear Signature Date *Payment *Bank TransferNAME: Bream Master SA BSB: 805 050 ACC#: 102 926 423 Please add your name as reference.Submit