These events are cast and retrieve, lure and fly only. NO BAIT OR TROLLING ALLOWED.

1. Kayak Restrictions
  • Sit on and sit-in kayaks are allowed.
  • Outriggers are allowed.
  • Self-draining kayaks are preferred.
  • Combustion, sail or electric propulsion kayaks are not allowed.
  • Canoes are not allowed.
  • Tandem kayaks are permitted but can only be used by one person.


2. Entry Fee
  • The entry fee is $70 per single day event and $100 for two day event, unless otherwise specified before event by the tournament directors.
  • The entry form and payment shall be completed by the time frame specified on the event details page.


3. Big Bream
  • A sponsored prize for the heaviest bream will be awarded at each BMSA event and will be known as the (sponsored) Big bream.\
  • Big bream will consist of heaviest bream caught at each event.
  • An angler may nominate their largest bream from their bag to be weighed separately for big bream.


4. Livewell Rules and Requirements
  • Livewells shall have a minimum capacity of 23L. Livewells smaller than 23L in capacity will result in disqualification.
  • Livewells must have an inlet for fresh new water to enter and an outlet for old water to exit.
  • Livewells shall either run manually by mechanical means (manual hand bilge pump) or function automatically by battery operated intake pump (preferred).
  • Livewells must have a lid and are recommended to be insulated to keep water temperature fluctuation to a minimum (e.g. esky/ cooler). Buckets and plastic containers are not acceptable.
  • No recirculation intake line is required but is preferred.
  • If you have any questions or concerns before constructing a livewell, please message the BMSA facebook page for clarification.

Livewells will need to be inspected and passed by Tournament officials prior to each competitors first event per season.

Tournament organisers and officials have the right not to accept a competitors livewell if they believe it does not meet the satisfactory requirements to keep fish alive and healthy.

Dead/dying fish cannot be weighed in; it is the anglers responsibility to ensure their fish stay alive and healthy.
Fish shall only be caught during the designated fishing times and shall be kept in the angler’s livewell only.

*If due to extreme circumstances such as livewell break down, organisers have the right to allow fish to be kept in another designated persons (deemed by organisers) livewell, but proof of capture is required.

Once an angler has caught their limit and they then catch another fish they shall immediately release one of their fish. Anglers caught fishing with more than the competition defined bream bag limit (announced on the day of competition) shall be immediately disqualified. The tournament organisers reserve the right to check kayak livewells during competition hours.

At any stage pre-tournament, during or at the completion of the tournament, any tournament official has the right to inspect an angler’s livewell.

Competitors must be mindful of changes in shallow water areas where the water temperature may spike causing distress to the fish. Anglers must fill their livewells in deeper, cooler water before entering shallow water areas.

Tournament directors have the right to review and change livewell requirements at any time.

5. Prize Pool and Payouts

BMSA prizes and payouts may vary from event to event. Prizes will be paid out for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for heaviest bag of bream, as well as the biggest bream caught at each event.

If above 20 competitors, prizes will be paid down to 5th place. If above 50 competitors prizes will be paid down to 10th place.

A prize pool shall also be put aside for EOY championship awards where prizes shall be awarded.


6. Safety
  • The care of fellow competitors is of the utmost importance. If an angler or kayak is in distress it is expected that other competitors will assist. Safety is more important than your day’s catch.
  • All competitors shall always wear an Australian Standard PFD Type 1 (or above).
  • All competitors shall be issued with a key-tag and shall return it to the key-tag board when they return to the event site before the allocated finish time.
  • Event organisers will search for overdue anglers.
  • Competitors shall use mobile phones for safety and emergency purposes to communicate with event organisers. Emergency phone numbers will be announced at the tournament briefing.
  • The tournament organisers reserve the right to reduce the fishing arena, change start or finish times, and postpone or cancel an event if they deem it necessary for the safety of anglers.
  • All tournament staff (director, media, scorer and support staff) have the right to direct any angler back to shore, at any time, in the interest of safety.
  • If for safety or any other reason, the Tournament Directors call for a stop to fishing, the session shall be deemed cancelled for ALL anglers (whether they are or are not aware of the cancellation) and no fish shall be weighed-in by any angler.
  • The tournament organisers reserve the right to disallow anglers with unsafe kayaks from competing.


7. Pre-entry Requirements
  • Anglers will use their own kayak, tackle and safety equipment.
  • Anglers shall be a minimum of 15 years of age or older at the time of the tournament. Proof of age may be
    required. (Competitors 16 years and younger will need a parent/guardians signed approval to compete)
  • Event entry forms shall be available as a file on the BMSA page.
  • All entry forms shall be accompanied by payment to be processed. Entries without payment shall be discarded.
  • Cancellation of an entry before the entry closing date shall result in a full refund.
  • Cancellation of an entry after the entry closing date but pre-event will result in no refund being given, however entry credits shall be forwarded for future events.
  • Cancellation of an entry on the pre-fish, navigation or event day shall result in the forfeit of the entire entry fee, at organisers discretion.

8. Items to be Provided to You
  • The event organisers shall supply a numbered key tag each day. The key tag shall be returned to the key tag board at the completion of fishing, before the scheduled end of session or time penalties will apply.
  • Competitors may also be provided with some light snacks and a bottle of water for the day by BMSA officials but are encouraged to supply their own drinks and nibbles.


9. Items You Are Required to Bring
  • An approved PFD.
  • A measuring device to ensure legal fish requirements are met.
  • Mobile phone for emergency contact.
  • Everything else you think you need for a successful days kayak fishing.
  • A minimum 23L Livewell (see livewell requirements)
10. Pre-Fish Bans
  • A pre-fish ban means anglers are not permitted to fish or be the competition waterways and linked systems for any reason during the specified dates for each event.
  • During the pre-fish ban no person is permitted on tournament waters to locate fish or gain fishing
    information on a contestant’s behalf.
  • A prefish or navigation day may be nominated by BMSA directors for certain events.


11. Registration and Briefing
  • Registration, Briefing, Start and Finish times shall vary from event to event. Please read the info
    sheet relevant to each event to confirm times on the BMSA social media pages.
  • The tournament registration shall be on the morning of the competition and a tournament briefing shall be held 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. See event information sheets for exact briefing times.
  • Competitors are required to register with the tournament officials BEFORE the competition briefing.
  • It is a requirement of entry that all anglers shall attend the briefing. Failure to do so may result in penalties.
  • Registration, briefing and start times shall be posted on the event info sheets, as some rounds may have different start and finish times.
  • Prior to the start-time on each competition day, competitors shall go to the pre-arranged location
    where an official will check that they have an approved PFD level 1. The angler will then be given their daily key-tag. The responsibility is of the competitor to ensure they have the correct licenses or permits to fish a waterway if required.


12. Start
  • The event organisers have the discretion to change the start order, procedure and time.
  • All competitors shall make their way to their desired spots by pedal or paddle-power.
  • All competitors shall pedal or paddle across the defined start line in the direction specified by
  • An event official shall announce the start of competition after several time warnings (5min, 1min, etc) and then count down from 10 seconds. If anglers are in front of start line at the beginning of competition announcement, they may be asked to start last or penalties will apply.


13. Fish Handling Process
  • Wet anything that the fish will touch (hands, net, measuring device).
  • Land your fish properly using a net. Avoid handling fish by their delicate gills.
  • Place your fish into your livewell as quickly as possible if legal. Release undersized and non-competition fish as quickly as possible back into the water.


14. Finish
  • Competitors shall have their key tags on the board by the nominated finish time. Failure to do so shall result in time penalties at the rate of 50gm per minute (or part thereof) if late. Returns over 15 minutes late shall result in disqualification of the entire bag unless organizers are aware of a safety issue that has occurred and are notified.
  • For anglers that return late but caught no fish, a negative score shall be recorded to AOY points.
  • Any late penalties will be deducted from BMSA Big Bream prize calculations as well as the overall bag weight.
  • Anglers must return with their kayaks via the waterway by the nominated finish time or above penalties will apply.
15. Weigh-in Procedure
  • Anglers are to keep their fish in their kayak livewells until weigh-ins commence.
  • Anglers that have fish are to line up at the competition live bump tub where the anglers will collect or be handed their weigh-in bags. Once the angler has their weigh-in bag they are to go and collect their fish from their kayaks and return to the bump tub to place fish and bag in until called up on stage.
  • Once the angler has weighed in their fish, they are to take them straight to the designated release area where photos can be taken, and fish safely released (some anglers may be asked to return fish to livewells by BMSA officials for citizen science fish tagging). The next angler in line is then required to collect the weigh-in bag from previous angler and repeat the process.
  • Fish will be checked at bump tub for legal lengths. Undersized fish will be released and will not be included in weigh-in. Penalties may apply at official’s discretion.
  • Fish that do not survive release will be forfeited and re-weighed, with the weight being removed from the competitors total weight.


16. Ties
  • Ties shall result in prizes and placings being shared between competitors as well as AOY points.
    (For Example: 1st place is a draw and shared between both competitors. They share and split the prizes for 1st and 2nd between them. This will result in the next placing being 3rd place. E.g. 1st,1st,3rd,4th,5th……)


17. BMSA AOY and AOY Points Scoring
  • Points shall be awarded from each event to anglers depending on where they place to determine the Bream Master SA Champion Angler of the Year (AOY).
  • Points shall be awarded each round as follows (1st 100pts, 2nd 99pts, 3rd 98pts, 4th 97pts, 5th 96pts, 6th 95pts, 7th 94pts, 8th 93pts, 9th 92pts, 10th 91pts) and continuing for the total number of anglers that weigh in fish.
  • Anglers that fail to weigh in fish shall be awarded zero points.
  • Points shall be tallied after the final event of the season to determine the BMSA Champion Angler of the Year.


18. BMSA First Timer
  • A First-time entrant may choose the option to enter for free as a once off.
  • They will not be eligible for any prizes, placings or AOY points from this round but will get to experience a BMSA competition the same as a regular competitor by weighing in their catch.
  • All forms and paperwork are still required to join as a first timer and the BMSA team must be notified that you wish to enter as a “first timer.”
  • If an angler wishes to be available for prizes and points, they must register as a regular competitor.


19. HOBIE affiliation
  • BMSA may have Hobie affiliated rounds where Hobie AOY points and BMSA AOY points are available.
  • BMSA rules and format will apply at all affiliated events.
  • Potential opportunities for Australian Championship spots may also be available at these rounds, with the number of spots available for the winners to be specified by Hobie.
  • The winner of the BMSA ANGLER OF THE YEAR may also be offered an Australian Championship spot as specified by Hobie and the BMSA team.
  • In the event that the AOY winner has already pre-qualified for the Australian championships prior to the BMSA AOY being finalised, the spot shall then be bumped onto the next Angler in the AOY placings.
  • In the event that the AOY qualified angler cannot attend then the placing may go back to the Hobie AOY pool, as specified by Hobie.
  • The minimum age for the Hobie Australian Championships is 16+ years. Therefore if a 15 year old qualifies through a BMSA event their position will be forfeited if they do not turn 16 before the Australian championships.
  • Hobie Asia Pacific make the final call on all Australian championship placings.
20. Additional Rules
  • It is the responsibility of all competitors to obtain the necessary angler permits or licenses for the
    waterway in the state being fished. The event organisers will not allow a competitor to continue in the tournament without the legal licenses and permits. All documents shall be brought to the briefing and shown at kayak and equipment inspection.
  • Competitors shall abide by all state fishing and boating regulations.
  • Anglers may fish any line class with spin, baitcast, spincast or fly fishing tackle.
  • Trolling is not permitted – lure and fly casting only. Trolling is defined as using the momentum of a propelled kayak to give the lure action. Casting along a stretch of bank under pedal or paddle power is permitted if using the pedal or paddle power to maintain the kayak’s position.
  • Before altering a kayak’s position, the line shall be removed from the water.
  • The event organisers reserve the right to disqualify anglers deemed to be purposely trolling in defiance of the spirit of BMSA events.
  • Drift fishing is allowed.
  • Kayaks can be dragged across a sand bar that is covered by water during a high tide.
  • Kayaks cannot be dragged across or over any object, bank or structure that is not covered by water during the high tide cycle in the tournament arena.
  • Anglers are not permitted to fish from outside their kayak at any time during sessions, including fighting and landing fish.
  • Kayaks should remain a cast apart (30 metres) while fishing.
  • Any restrictions, non-boating or non-fishing areas shall be adhered to; failure to do this will result in either disqualification from the session, and/or the tournament, plus a maximum penalty of 3kg may be applied.
  • If asked to leave a private marina or oyster lease or other facility, an angler shall do so immediately.
  • Anglers must return to weigh-ins with their kayaks by peddle or paddle power by the designated time.
  • Fish shall only be caught during the designated times.
  • Anglers shall only use one rod at a time while fishing all BMSA events. This includes such cases as when a lure is snagged but still attached to the rod; anglers cannot pick up another rod and begin casting – this would constitute using two rods.
  • The standard competition bream bag limit shall be 3 bream unless otherwise specified before the event or at event briefing.
  • Bream shall be the minimum state legal length, plus 1cm (e.g. SA 31cm, VIC 29cm) and shall be measured from tip to tail rather than tip to fork. This ensures that competitors always have state legal fish in livewells and allows for possible livewell shrinkage of fish. (unless otherwise stated by BMSA officials)
  • The event organisers reserve the right to place cameras or media devices on kayaks.
  • Mobile Phones are only to be used for navigation, social media, photos and emergency purposes. Using phones to communicate with other anglers may result in penalties or disqualification.
  • In the case of physical or medical emergencies, the event organisers shall judge the acceptability of catches and reserve the right to measure in or refuse early measuring of fish.
  • Any complaints regarding a breach of the rules shall be addressed to the on-site Tournament Director within 24hrs of specific incidents. Penalties for rule and conduct violations may include the following:
    • Disqualification of catch for the day.
    • Disqualification from the tournament.
    • A maximum penalty of 3kg may be applied.
  • Any concerns regarding clarification of rules can be discussed with the event organisers before the start of the tournament.
  • Event directors and officials reserve the right to compete in all events.
  • Interpretation and enforcement of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Tournament Directors or his/her designee at a tournament. In the event of a rule violation, the Tournament Director or a rules committee shall impose such sanctions as deemed appropriate by them, including without limitation, disqualification, forfeiture of prizes, entry fee and prohibition from participation in subsequent tournaments. The Tournament Director’s decision is final.
  • The BMSA penalty formula may be enforced at officials discretion for any rule breakages that occur.


21. Sportsmanship and Code of Conduct

All contestants shall follow the highest standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation, and conduct themselves in a manner that is a credit to themselves, to BMSA sponsors and the efforts of the organisers to promote the event. Conduct not complying with these standards includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Violation of, or failure to comply with, any of the rules of Southern Fishing Tournaments – Bream Master SA.
  • Consumption and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or any kind of mind-altering substance during registration or tournament hours extending through the weigh-in procedure.
  • Abuse of, or addiction to, mind-altering substances.
  • Bullying, Physical violence or abuse towards fellow competitors, officials, spectators or other water users.
  • Suspension/disqualification, probation or ban from any tournament or fishing organisation.
  • Any other words, conduct or actions reflecting unfavourably upon efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship, fair competition and compliance with tournament rules, or which fail to comply with the standards set forth in the opening statement of this section. This includes verbal communication and social media.
  • In case of any conduct not complying with the standards outlined above, BMSA shall reserve the right to refuse an application to compete, to deny a confirmed application to compete by returning the entry fee (minus deposit) or to disqualify a contestant.
  • It is expected that anglers shall always conduct themselves in a manner becoming a professional sports person, and failure to do so will subject the angler’s catch to penalty or disqualification.

It is a condition of entry that all anglers acknowledge, sign and accept the Model Release and Liability Waiver included on the entry form.